JS Get Media Mimetype From Url
Little function to grab the mime type from a video url, using it in one of my apps will continue to add to it.
function getMimeType(url) { var ext = url.split(/[#?]/)[0].split('.').pop().trim(); switch (ext) { case 'mp4': return 'video/mp4' break; case 'mov': return 'video/quicktime' break; case 'flv': return 'video/x-flv' break; case 'm3u8': return 'application/x-mpegURL' break; case 'ts': return 'video/MP2T' break; case 'avi': return 'video/x-msvideo' break; case 'wmv': return 'video/x-ms-wmv' break; case 'webm': return 'video/webm' break; case 'ogg': return 'video/ogg' break; case 'm1v': return 'video/mpeg' break; case 'mpd': return 'application/dash+xml' break; default: case 'application/octet-stream': } }